Midwest Barrel Co. makes the hometown paper front page!
July 27th, 2023
Hey, did you see?!?
Midwest Barrel Co. made the front page of our hometown newspaper – the Lincoln Journal Star! And the Sunday edition, at that!
Check out the online version of the article that ran on the front page of the July 16th edition
Above the fold, baby!
We’re so excited to have had the opportunity to chat with the Journal Star. It’s a fantastic feeling being able to share our story of how our used barrel business has grown with folks in our area.
And thank you to everyone who has reached out to us or members of the barrel crew with such kind words and encouragement.
The support means so much as our company embarks on its next chapter in Kentucky – all while maintaining a presence here in the Cornhusker state.
Read The Story!
Make sure you visit journalstar.com to read the article.

Jessica Loseke
👩🏻🤝👨🏼 Co-Founder & CEO of @midwestbarrelco
👨👩👦👦 Mom of✌️boys
🐶 Dog Mom to @shopdogwillett
💡Lover of learning, ideas & potential💡
💪 Pilates & ☕️Lattes
👉Enneagram 8